This is a new generation of Minetec’s Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) for vehicle and personnel position reporting and tracking.
Trax+Tags II incorporates the WASP (Wireless Ad-hoc System for Positioning System), developed by CSIRO, to address challenging tracking and navigation applications not addressed by current technologies such as GPS or WiFi.
By integrating WASP into Trax+Tags II, Minetec offers an accurate, cost-effective solution specifically designed for underground environments with large possibility of expansion in above ground use,” said Andy Sheppard, executive general manager, Minetec. “WASP is clearly a revolutionary technology that is critical to modern underground mining, and will significantly improve productivity, lower operational costs, and reduce health and safety issues for mining operations.”
“We are delighted to have partnered with Minetec to deliver a wireless solution that will have a real impact on productivity and safety in the mining industry,” said Professor Jay Guo, Research Leader of Smart Secure Infrastructure at CSIRO’s Digital Productivity and Services Flagship. 2013/08/23
“We’ve integrated WASP into the Trax+Tags II system to provide critical location information in underground environments where global positioning systems cannot operate. “Based on Time-of-Arrival (TOA) technology, the system improves the accuracy of tracking vehicles and personnel positions to sub-meter level in environments such as an underground pit or tunnel.”
A scalable system, Trax+Tags II addresses the accuracy and investment requirements of the mine at different stages of operation by building up the system with modules over time. Superior to existing technologies, the Trax+Tags II situational awareness suite provides an efficient and cost-effective system to visually display assets based on their current locations. Using the tags worn by personnel, the Tag Board displays the occupancy of zones, alarm conditions and entry/exit events.