

Kobus Dekker Occupational Hygiene Consultancy cc (KDOHC) was established by Kobus Dekker in 2007 and converted to a (Pty) Ltd during 2018.

KDOHC provides specialized services in Occupational Hygiene Monitoring to mining industries throughout Africa. KDOHC also provides a wide range of services in the fields of surface and underground mining occupational hygiene, as required by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) on mines in South Africa, with all our services adhering to current legislation and guidelines issued by the DMR and DoL.

KDOHC has also received SANAS Accreditation for Gravimetric analysis of Respirable and Inhalable Dust. The facility is accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

KDOHC strives to diligently maintain a service of excellence in all areas of the KDOHC environment.

This is achieved through continuous improvement to the quality of service provided to our clients by:

  • Keeping abreast of all new developments in our fields of specialization (both legal and technical.
  • Maintaining close contact with our clients by obtaining and responding positively to client feedback.
  • Employing adequately qualified personnel that deliver the service of the highest quality.
  • Conducting business in a responsible and ethical manner at all times.
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KDOHC Head Office

2 Maree Street,
Potchefstroom Town,
South Africa

Social Media Links

Phone:+27 82 442 7961
Email: admin@kdohc.co.za

Whatsapp Chat Option

Open your camera or QR scanner app and hold it over QR Code to join the chat.
